project finance

April 14, 2014

Are You a Direct Lender?

The question, “are you a direct lender?” pops up from business owners with the idea that being a direct lender is going to get you a better deal. People think “direct” means there are no middle men which will increase the cost of funds. Once you understand the process and […]
February 10, 2014

The Key to Success: Access to Capital

For a business, access to capital is the determining factor to whether a business will survive or fail, expand or become stagnant or take advantage of opportunities or let game-changing chances just drift away. This is no exaggeration since statistics clearly show that most businesses fail because they simply run […]
December 19, 2013

Asset Based Lending – The Basics

Asset Based Lenders (“ABL Lenders”) look to tangible collateral to support their loans.  They are more flexible on cash flow and capital than traditional bank loans and will accept some losses and higher leverage than a bank. Higher rate (non-bank) ABL lenders can even overlook some (but not all) character […]
November 12, 2013

An Operating Lease Could be for YOU

What is an Operating Lease? It is one which has a fair market value buyout at the end of the term with the option to pay it or return the asset; an FMV buyout can be 15%-20% of the original cost. Finance wisdom has dictated if something becomes obsolete quickly […]
October 4, 2013

Financing Equipment: Not Brain Surgery

We know business owners who have not financed equipment and simply paid cash only to run short of money 6 months later; the main reason? They didn’t want to hassle with the finance process or felt it was too complicated. Yes, it does require gathering your financial data in some […]
August 16, 2013


Financing equipment in all markets is currently a bit of a moving target. Hard rules are constantly changing so guidelines are all we can hope for because underwriters are squeezed at the moment. The squeeze on one end for lenders is to minimize bad debt losses by financing to clients […]
May 30, 2013

Alternative Finance Trends

Alternative financing has now become a primary option to traditional bank financing. The shifting commercial lending market and past issues has created a need for small and mid size business owners to continue to seek financing through a variety of alternate sources. Following are some trends happening in the alternate […]
May 15, 2013

Shotgun Approach to Life and Equipment Financing

When you need something done which requires a specific skill or knowledge, whether it’s in your personal life or business; do you “shotgun” that requirement to as many people as possible or do you consider the alternatives and make one best judgment choice? If you think about it, it depends […]
April 6, 2013

3 Keys to Equipment Lease Approvals

There are three key components to getting your finance request approved; cash, credit and collateral. This holds true whether getting an equipment loan or lease, leasing a car or financing a new home. The three components all play an important role and understanding them will help clarify the finance process. […]