commercial loans

February 28, 2023

An Alliance with other Companies

Working with other businesses as close allies can have several positive outcomes: Access to resources: Partnering with other businesses can provide access to resources such as capital, expertise, and technology that can be used to improve a company’s operations and competitiveness. Increased innovation: Collaboration with other businesses can lead to […]
January 17, 2023

Lost in the Shuffle

We know lenders make promises they can’t possibly deliver on. They want your business, like we all do, but making outrageous claims leaves a negative mark on lending altogether. They fail you and most importantly, lead you into making an bad business decision. We want to stay grounded and most […]
September 19, 2022

The 5 Secrets of Equipment Financing

The use of equipment financing is good decision making, especially when compared to bank loans or cash purchases. Investing cash in equipment makes the business asset rich and cash poor. When a business is cash poor, it is limited in its ability to take advantage of new opportunities or to […]
February 5, 2022

Which Credit Funnel Works Best for Your Business?

In the finance world, there are lenders with wide credit funnels or approval criteria and ones with very narrow funnels. That means if a lender has wide credit parameters they are much more willing to approve a broad range of credit types; credits with defaults, slow payment history, inconsistent cash […]
January 11, 2021

The Benefits of Financing Equipment as Opposed to Paying with Cash

All business financial decisions have to be made with one goal in mind; how will it benefit your business and your bottom line. Every expansion or replacement of equipment should make your operation more efficient and profitable. Here are a few things to consider. Conserve Your Cash and Working Capital– […]
May 24, 2020

Why Didn’t I Get Approved?

There are several factors that typically are considered when a credit team is reviewing a business profile to issue a decline or approve decision for financing equipment or providing working capital. There is some flexibility among lenders when considering the different factors but there is a common base that many […]
May 8, 2020

Funding Accounts Receivable for Businesses

First US Finance LLC provides accounts receivable factoring services to small and large businesses nationwide. Factoring is the only source of financing that grows with your sales. As sales increase, more money becomes immediately available to you. This allows you to constantly be able to meet increasing demand for your […]
January 15, 2020

Financing Green Tech – What Does it Take

1) What specifically is Green Technology? It encompasses all areas and disciplines, including methods, materials & techniques, which are environmentally friendly. Typical areas include: energy, efficiency, recycling, safety and health concerns and renewable resources.   “BIG PICTURE GOAL: TO REDUCE OR ELIMINATE WASTE PRODUCTS IN THE ENVIRONMENT”   2) Let’s […]
August 17, 2019

Nobody Likes Paying Interest

We understand that completely; nobody likes paying interest, neither do we. It’s an emotional hot button for any business person when financing equipment or acquiring working capital. They feel it’s like money thrown away into thin air… or is it? Interest is the price you pay when using someone else’s […]