June 27, 2017

What a UCC Filing Means to Your Business

UCC guidelines dictate how commercial transactions are handled throughout the United States; UCC stands for Uniform Commercial Code. If your business has ever financed equipment then you have some experience with a UCC filing. It is a way the federal government controls financial business transactions. Most states have adopted UCC […]
May 30, 2017

How Equipment Leasing Companies Work

Lenders like Wells Fargo and Chase are very good for servicing the needs of established businesses; they support things like checking accounts, small business loans and merchant accounts very effectively once you have established your business and developed a good track record. As an “A” credit you will get the […]
May 25, 2017

Revenue Anticipation Loans

When a business owner decides he or she needs a business loan often their first thought is a bank. However, for many small businesses conventional bank loans are not an option and SBA loans require collateral and a history of profitability and often take several months from application to funding. […]
May 18, 2017

Don’t Give Away the Farm

Inevitably, whether you are an independent sales rep, service provider or make your own products, someone is going to ask you for a “finders’ fee” or a “referral fee” when they refer new business to you. A finders’ fee is typically given to an intermediate person who leads you to […]
May 4, 2017

Every Vendor Needs a Finance Partner

Every vendor, manufacturer, distributor, dealer or business which sells equipment to another business (B2B sales) can benefit from having an equipment leasing company or finance company as a strategic partner. As a vendor, the goal is to make the purchase of your products as easy as possible; the purchase activity […]
April 18, 2017

How Much Interest Should You Pay

At a recent equipment financing and equipment leasing trade show we polled over 125 business owners with a short survey and had various discussions with numerous willing participants. Our main question was simple; if you borrowed $100,000 for your business, what is the dollar amount of interest you would be […]
April 7, 2017

Equipment Finance Brokers Shouldn’t Go Broke

Equipment financing brokers come in all shapes and sizes; many work part time in addition to another job and some work at it full time. Brokers love the flexibility because they can work from home with a laptop, phone and printer/scanner. The part-timers are often sales representatives for an equipment […]
March 8, 2017

Fast Money (It’s Legal…)

Want fast money hassle-free; the same day or the next? It’s possible; just have your paperwork ready to go. If you don’t want to bother with financial statements, tax returns, etc. and need cash almost instantly then we have two options for you. Sometimes an opportunity requires fast action otherwise […]
January 17, 2017

Financing Sense

Don’t want to pay any interest? Pay cash for your new equipment and you can be assured you are paying the lowest “rate”. If you have buckets of extra cash this might be the best thing to do but if you have that much extra capital that means your business […]
October 19, 2016

When Your Bank Says NO

A bank rejection is painful particularly if your company is under a time crunch to get new equipment or in need of working capital. Many businesses leave the financing step as the last thing on their agenda which may not allow enough time for an alternate plan in case things […]